Monday, November 14, 2011

Song of the Day-Soy Callejero

Los Mocosos is a band from the Bay Area. Their music has been described as a mix of "searing Latin ska, rockero swing, R&B funk and Spanglish Hip-Hop." This track is fiery and upbeat, a perfect tonic for a sleepy Monday morning. They remind me of a "Northern California Los Lobos!" 

I discovered this track on a Putamayo Records compilation. Putamayo is a record label that, since 1993, has put out dozens of releases featuring just about every type of world music in existence. The discs are categorized by type of World Music, usually by region. Arabic, African, Latin and so on. It is a good way to broaden your musical horizons while usually guaranteeing that you will get the best tracks. 

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