Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Mission Statement

Consisting mainly of my music related musings, thoughts, blathering and "knee jerk reactions" Chadwick's Listening Room is my "stream of consciousness" (or "puddle of consciousness" as Martin Mull once opined) observations on music and how we relate to it. Chadwick's Listening Room will include opinions about music I love and music I loathe (though the emphasis is on music I love!!!). I'm an aging baby boomer attorney who surrounds himself with music at every possible moment. A father whose kids yell at him to "turn it down." A home owner who bought a house with a workout room, and turned it into a music room.  A family man who thinks that it is as important for his kids to know about Lennon & McCartney as it is to know about Lincoln & Washington.

How we purchase, listen to and enjoy music is changing. What does it mean to be a music fan in a world where every song, performance and video is literally at your fingertips? I hope to be a guide to this new world of musical experience.

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