Thursday, November 10, 2011

Glen Campbell:An Appreciation

The CMA's also featured a tribute to the great Glen Campbell. Now if you remember Glen mostly for his shticky  
"Hi I'm Glen Campbell" and for a lotta of undistinguished music squarely in the MOR vein in the 70's, well, it's hard to blame you. Glen was a huge star in the 60s and 70's. And did record a lot of music seemingly while on Autopilot. What is hard to remember is that this guy was a huge talent. Maybe the top session guitar guy of the 60s, Glen himself said he might have played on 500 different records in 1966 alone. Originally tapped to replace Brian Wilson in the Beach Boys when Brian first struggled with touring, Glen's talent was too big to fill the slot Bruce Johnston would later fill so ably. Brian cut a record on Glen very much in the Beach Boys/Pet Sounds vein. It was a flop but is one of the great lost singles of the 60's. Here's Glen with "Guess I'm Dumb."

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